Friday, June 27, 2008

My Macro Garden

This post is for my friends. Clare, Sue and a new addition Amy. They are all cool crochet chicks that I met online. Clare lives in Australia, Sue in Malaysia and Amy lives on the East side of the States. They are amateur gardeners like me and each of them bugged me to get some good pictures up. I am also learning to use the macro setting on the camera properly. All these photos are of the plants that I'm growing on the carport and in the neighbours garden. Well, Ladies, I hope you enjoy the pictures and remember to click on them for a larger view!

Corn sprouts and beans. I
need to replant them in a
bigger pot soon.

The Spearmint that has been
overtaking the neighbours
garden. I've been ripping it
out for a while but it keeps
coming back!

Tomato flowers. I think that
this one is a Roma Tomato or
a Patio Tomato Plant.

These are the ornamental pumpkins
that I bought for Hallowe'en
last year. I left them in the
front garden and something
came and tried to eat them.
They rotted and I just left the
seeds in the dirt and they
started to grow! Woo Hoo!

The underside of the bean
leaves. I forget which beans
I've actually planted, but I
think that they are a red

And here's the pumpkins! They
are starting to flower now.
Pretty soon I'm going to
have to go out there and
help the bees do their
job, wink wink.

Has anyone actually grown
an avocado plant from the
seed? Mine always just get
wrinkly and do nothing.

This is the African Violet that
Linda from 3Vets gave to me
a few years back. It has lovely
blooms. I don't do anything
with it and it just hangs in
the window all year round.

I really hope that I get at
least a few strawberries out
of these plants! I can't wait
to see if I do.

This is my Rubber Plant. It
wasn't doing well for quite a
while there, but it's coming back
for sure and getting pretty big!

This is my Snake Plant. I'm
not sure of it's real name. I've
had it for years and it's getting
bigger all the time. This year,
something new is happening to
it. A wierd stem has come up
from inside of it and has begun
to flower. It has these great big drops of dew on it too. It looks so cool upclose.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Mommy and The Daddy

When was the last time you saw these two together in a picture?

He's getting ready to punch me in the face! It's true!
Let's get our picture faces on...

Time for a funny face and a careful pose for the camera. Stick out the chin and don't let them see up your nose!

Birthday Party June 21st

So I'm sitting here going through all the pictures that were sent to me from the grandparents. There's a ton of pictures to choose from! Too many, in fact. I've decided that to post them all would take forever, and I'm just not able to spend the time I want uploading photos and giving them all a caption. I've decided to upload a few of my favourite pictures and the rest I've uploaded to my flickr page.
My poor little baby was not feeling too well at the party and needed to nap halfway through it. She wasn't into eating her cake either and only picked at it. Unfortunately, she ended the day throwing up all over me and the kitchen floor and was a barrel of giggles afterwards. She hadn't eaten much and only ate the vanilla buttercream on her little cake.
I also didn't get to take any pictures of my own, or there would be a ton of good shots of the food that I worked hard on. There is really only one picture that my mom took and it's not a close up. Oh well, next time I'll be more prepared and not do so much work.
But a big Thank You to everyone who came and Violett would like everyone to know that she had a good time even if she was feeling a little ukky.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Happy Birthday, Violett! You're one year old today. Here's a few cute pictures of you sleeping. You've been a very sleepy girl lately, but that's ok, you're growing and getting bigger everyday! Always remember that Mommy and Daddy love you very much. Don't worry if today isn't very exciting, all your family and friends will come to see you this weekend to wish you a happy birthday too!

Here she is just before waking up from yet another nap. She fell asleep face down in my lap and I just happened to be wearing corduroy pants! Can you see the lines on her face?

And this is just a sweet little nappy in the middle of the afternoon. She comes and sits beside me and snuggles up into me and falls asleep. Awww! She's just a beauty!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Edited Post

I've re-uploaded this video and it should be working now. It's the Phone Shenanigans clip and it's really funny for those of you who never got to see it because it stopped working.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


My beautiful Williams Sonoma Nordicware Octopus cake pan arrived this week and just in time too! As you know Violetts birthday is coming soon and I just had to test out the pan. Clare mentioned that I should try it out as a Jell-O mold. Well! Here it is sitting on the counter full of "allegedly" firm Jell-O.

Isn't it beautiful? I used strawberry and lemon flavours. And the fishy plate that my mom gave to Violett as an early birthday present looks great in the background. Ooh, the tension! The anticipation! Will it turn out?

Oh my! Did it ever turn out! All over the counter! The inside of the "allegedly" firm Jell-O wasn't firm at all and went all over the sink, the counter and my arms and floor.

Here's the mess that was left on the counter.
Strawberry Jell-O stains counters.
Thank goodness for Magic Erasers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Remembering way back then...

Violett and the Vacuum

Sheesh! No wonder it takes forever to do any cleaning around here! This was fun though, it's like she is in a wind tunnel.

Little Rabbit Foo Foo

Here's a newer version of Little Rabbit Foo Foo. If he's not careful he's gonna get BAR-BE-QUE'D!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Phone Shenanigans

This is just way too funny to try to explain it. I go through this everyday...

Friday, June 6, 2008

Blue Meringues

I've been spending a lot
of time lately baking.
Violett has her first
birthday coming up soon
and I'm going to have a
Garden Party for her. I
need to test out recipes
and different types of
desserts and today I
tested out a recipe that I've been dying to try for a few months. Pavlova. It didn't turn out exactly as a Pavlova due to lack of patience and limited time without a baby at my heels. I added some blue food colouring and some blue sugar to the top. They turned out really great! I think I'll stop baking for a few days. I send all the extras to work with Scott so I don't get to eat more than one or two of whatever I've made and they are getting pretty demanding. If I skip a day he gets teased. I should start demanding butter by the pound in exchange for daily sweets. :P

Thursday, June 5, 2008

On the Phone with Becca

Violett is a little phone stealer. Every time I leave the room I come back to see her on the side table or on the couch. Inevitably she takes the remote control or the phone. As I'm typing she's walking away with the tv remote and has hit the mute button. I found her the other day holding the phone up to her ear and she was pretending to talk on the phone making little noises. It was too cute! When I tried to take a video of it of course she stopped. I asked my friend Becca to call and to talk to Violett. She hung up on Becca twice and was more interested in watching the tv (what's new) than performing for the camera. It's a short clip, but a funny one!

Milky Button

Our big baby will fall asleep
on the Daddy quite often
while drinking from her
bottle. When this happens
I take the opportunity to
have a shower or do the
dishes. Aw, aren't they sweet?

Then I noticed the milk had
dripped down the belly and
was resting in the little nook
of her belly button. And
here's a close up of the
milky belly button.
MMM, so full of milk.