Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Longest Dinner

This video goes on for quite a while. There is film of me eating spaghetti at her age and my parents used to run it backwards to see the noodles coming out instead of going in! I'm not about to learn how to run this video backwards, but it was worth posting anyway because of how silly she can be.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Ultrasound Picture

Here's the latest picture of our little girl, Olivia. Isn't she just beautiful?

We have Brandon Ricci to thank for this one...oh, will the joking ever end at Shaw Cable?!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Here's little Olivia. She will be joining our family in a few months and we are very excited to see her! We now need to figure out a middle name for our new baby Olivia. Suggestions can be posted to this blog by using the link "cookies in the cookie jar" at the bottom of this post. Simply click on that link, fill out the form using the name option and voila!
Please note that one or none of your welcome suggestions may be used so include your reasons why you like the name you're suggesting! If you are a grandparent and have severe issues leaving your comment, email me directly and I'll copy and paste your answer to the blog. Now get suggesting! We're running out of time!
(any assinine comments/name suggestions will not be posted or considered)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Silly Girl

Pipe cleaner glasses or "gassers" and a Panda she named Kenny. What more could a girl ever want?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Family Portraits

We've finally had our pictures taken professionally. Didn't they turn out amazing?

Monday, July 20, 2009

A New Hat

For some reason, Violett likes to wear this plastic bicycle basket on her head. Every time she sees it she stuffs it on and wanders around with it. Kids are weird!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Twits in a Puddle

From left to right:


Here they are chucking water at me. I loved how this photo turned out.

Nice face, Paige!

How To Eat A Hot Dog

Since Violett became a big girl she won't sit in the high chair or the booster seat anymore. Sometimes I let her stand at the pass thru and eat there so I can get kitchen stuff done and watch her at the same time.

I decided to give her buns to go along with the dogs to see what would happen. This is the strangest method for eating hot dogs, for sure! Avoid the buns at all costs...

I eventually had to remove the buns and give her some ketchup to dip the dogs into. Meh, it was funny to see. I just wish I had the proper camera instead of the cameraphone to have better quality pictures. Oh well...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Violett!!!

Two years ago our little Violett came into the world. We love you very much. Happy 2nd Birthday!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Water Logged!

Boy was it hot the other day! I pulled out the little wading pool, filled it and she jumped right in! That poor diaper was full of water in ten minutes and when she ran across the drive it literally fell right off! Time for some little swimmers I guess!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random Cuteness

Trying on mommy's shoes.

This is a wet baby who loves the sprinkler.

Grandma bought me sunglasses!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Play Off Beard

Goodness!  Play Off Beards are yukky!  And this photo was taken about a week ago...just think of what it looks like now!  Ikky.  I want my husband back...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Such A Pretty Girl

I know I've said it before, but man!  She's Gorgeous!  Rockefeller loves going for car rides too...

She looks like Ella in this one.


Just chillin', waiting for Daddy to come back into the car...

She seems a little shocked to have her picture taken in this one.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Star Wars Space Rocks!

I offered to help out my friend Rosie when she was planning a Star Wars party for Billy, her 3 year old.  I wanted to make Treasure Stones, or coffee rocks.  You simply make the dough and put a toy inside.  This is what they looked like just after being made.  I learned that you have to make the dough really dry for it to hold it's shape, and that one batch of it is enough for only 4 small toys.

Here's an obligatory picture of Violett.  She really has nothing to do with this post, but we love to look at her anyway!

Here's what they look like when they are mostly dried out.  The look grainy and are pretty cool looking.  They were still wet a little on the inside so it was easy for the kids to break them open. Rosie's backyard was covered in the remains after the kids got into them!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Maid For Hire

Grandma Kate's Local Playground

We went to visit Grandma Kate the other day and she took us to the playground!  It was lots of fun and fully fenced in!  Here's a couple of cute pictures I got while we were there.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Grandma Kate

Ha Ha!  I finally have you just where I wanted...BEHIND BARS!  Ar Ar Ar!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Odd Duck

This is one sad looking Duck...

Crescent Beach

Hurray for sunny days! While Scott was on a week long vacation we decided to head down to Crescent Beach. It was so lovely and sunny and warm.

She got into the sand right away with her little yellow bucket and shovel.  I'm not surprised that she had a great time.

There weren't tons of people around either.  Just the locals I guess, out walking their dogs.  Man, did she ever get tons of sand in her hair!

Her Daddy is the odd one out wearing a big black sweater.  He's always cold and doesn't want to get sand in his underpants!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Helpful Hints

Ok, so here are some Helpful Hints on how to use this blog.  After you've read the post and feel like leaving a comment, just click on the words "0 cookies in the cookie jar", type your comment in the box and poof!  You're done!  If you would like to send someone a link to the post, just click on the little envelope with the arrow in it and fill out the form.  The blog will do the rest!
I'm happy that everyone likes to look at the pictures and watch the videos, but no one leaves comments!  I know that some of you have struggled with how to leave them before, but now that you know there's no excuses!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Buckets of Insanity

Billy the Duck

Violett's friend Billy is having his Third Birthday soon and his mom thinks he's a Duck...so I made him a Duck!

Something Sweet

Our little Muffin Cuppy often takes our faces in her little hands and gives us kisses.  It's a new thing and I hope it doesn't ever end...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Worst Biscotti Recipe...EVER!!!

Ok, so I've discovered the joys of baking biscotti.  The process is the same as baking cookies, (duh) but you bake in one big lump instead of a million little lumps, cut, then re-bake.  Simple and tasty.  I found a great chocolate chip biscotti recipe and it turns out great each time (as long as you don't over bake it like the last time...).  This last time I was going to bake for the geeks at Shaw, I wanted to make Banana Toffee Biscotti so I went searching for a recipe.  Boy, what a recipe!  Total Crap!  I cannot believe how this dough turned out!  She describes it as a "Crunchy Banana Bread" and that suits it because since you over bake this by at least 30 minutes it's essentially banana bread that's over done.  I had to add a FULL CUP of extra flour just to get it to a regular banana bread consistency.  If this clueless woman used small eggs and small bananas she should have mentioned it.  I used less banana than what was called for,  (you know, hungry baby see banana, hungry baby want banana) and it still came out really runny and gross looking.  I ended up just dumping it onto the baking sheet expecting it to come out like two ugly  big blobs.  Just look at the picture above and you will see how they turned out.  I gave up on the second baking and just cut the suckers into biscotti shaped banana bread.  Apparently they went over like gangbusters at the meeting.   

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Vancouver Aquarium

Scott and I have been so excited for the last week because we were taking the V to see the fishes at the Vancouver Aquarium.  When we got there the dolphin show was on so we raced outside to catch the end of it.  She was mesmerized and watched as they jumped out of the water.  Too bad we only got to see the last few minutes.

We headed inside and started to wander about.  She ran up to the first tank she saw and started to climb up onto the ledge and point at the fish inside.  It was fun to watch her.

Ooh, Jellyfish!  This was the prettiest tank of jellyfish.  We had seen them on the news just the day before!

Here's one of the employees of the aquarium cleaning the rocks in the Beluga tank.  Notice the white rock right next to him?  Ha ha, it's not a rock, it's the new baby!  She stayed right next to him the whole time.  I think she wanted to get a good brushing too!

Violett seemed more interested in her bunny crackers than watching the beluga whales...so yummy!