Monday, July 20, 2009

A New Hat

For some reason, Violett likes to wear this plastic bicycle basket on her head. Every time she sees it she stuffs it on and wanders around with it. Kids are weird!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Twits in a Puddle

From left to right:


Here they are chucking water at me. I loved how this photo turned out.

Nice face, Paige!

How To Eat A Hot Dog

Since Violett became a big girl she won't sit in the high chair or the booster seat anymore. Sometimes I let her stand at the pass thru and eat there so I can get kitchen stuff done and watch her at the same time.

I decided to give her buns to go along with the dogs to see what would happen. This is the strangest method for eating hot dogs, for sure! Avoid the buns at all costs...

I eventually had to remove the buns and give her some ketchup to dip the dogs into. Meh, it was funny to see. I just wish I had the proper camera instead of the cameraphone to have better quality pictures. Oh well...