Sunday, November 23, 2008

Last Post but Not the Least Post

Ok, so I think this post will catch us up on this month's new business.

Without going too much into detail out of respect for his privacy, the day after V's accident my dad was admitted to the hospital. They said that there was a block in his heart and he would be having a stint put in the following week. When they checked out his heart they found "multiple blockages". He ended up having double by-pass this last Tuesday and is doing very well now. We go to see him every day at the hospital and he is looking better and better. He most likely will be allowed to go home this coming Tuesday. My mom, sister and I are very, very happy about him coming home. He's like an overcooked turkey: tough and tough! I've been bringing Violett to see him everyday too, and I really feel that it makes his day to see her. She's been well behaved while visiting at the hospital.

Violett is still sleeping right now so I'm going to go lay down on the couch and veg for a while. Love you, Daddy!

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