Thursday, June 12, 2008


My beautiful Williams Sonoma Nordicware Octopus cake pan arrived this week and just in time too! As you know Violetts birthday is coming soon and I just had to test out the pan. Clare mentioned that I should try it out as a Jell-O mold. Well! Here it is sitting on the counter full of "allegedly" firm Jell-O.

Isn't it beautiful? I used strawberry and lemon flavours. And the fishy plate that my mom gave to Violett as an early birthday present looks great in the background. Ooh, the tension! The anticipation! Will it turn out?

Oh my! Did it ever turn out! All over the counter! The inside of the "allegedly" firm Jell-O wasn't firm at all and went all over the sink, the counter and my arms and floor.

Here's the mess that was left on the counter.
Strawberry Jell-O stains counters.
Thank goodness for Magic Erasers.

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